Extension Work - Advert


You are to Write and then Record an advert to be aired on Brisbane City Radio. It could be to advertise:



An upcoming Event - e.g. Justin Bieber in Concert


A product - e.g Ford Falcon car sales


A service - e.g. Pizza Hut


A Government Campaign - Stop using phones whilst driving


A Charity - e.g Breast Cancer Awareness


There are some examples to listen to on the News and Sports page

Deconstructing a Radio Advertisement

Sound Effects are included in brackets - (SFX: pressing buttons)

Music is included in brackets – (Beat it – Michael Jackson)

Voices are included by listing the character and what they say – Lady’s Voice: Hurry up!

Voice Overs are usually used at the end of the script and appear in the script the same way character voices do. They may include details of where to get the product or a SLOGAN (eg: Oh what a feeling, Toyota!)


(SFX: Beeps – Pressing buttons)

Lady’s Voice: Hurry up!

(SFX: Banging around in the background)

Man’s Voice: Alright, alright, I’m going as fast as I can.

(Jaws theme music)

(Dramatic music – rising)

Lady’s Voice: Look don’t worry about the receipt, just get the money!

(SFX: Beeping sound – Money comes out of ATM)

(Dramatic music – rising)

(SFX: Buzzing – Swarm of bees)

Lady’s Voice: (Screams)

Voice Over: Don’t get stung by excessive fees. Open an ANZ Access Advantage Account. You get unlimited ANZ transactions from only 5 dollars a month.