Production Order

Creating a website requires a logical and well organised approach. The list below outlines the order in which you should approach this task.

Decide who the website is for - Customer and End Users.

Decide on a basic layout - how many pages? Vertical or Horizontal Navigation Bar? Colour scheme?

Set up your Website structure in Dreamweaver.

Create a Banner Graphic using Photoshop and insert it into your first page

Edit your CSS file to give the web page your desired colour scheme.

Research, write and download the content for the web site (Text, images, photos, video, audio files etc.)

Create your pages one at a time.

Edit Navigation Bar code in your HTML pages (make sure you highlight the active page!)

Add any multi-media content - Video, Photo Gallery, Jukebox etc.

Spellcheck and thoroughly test all pages.

Evaluate your web site against the Design Criteria