Burglar Alarm Task

This is an individual piece of work. It forms part of your assessment. The work you submit MUST be your own!

It SHOULD NOT look the same as someone else's. This would be treated as Plagiarism!


Mrs Smith owns a small house in Carindale. She is quite worried because some of her neighbours have been burgled.


The previous owner of her house had installed a number of sensors that he was going to use as a security system, but he never linked them up to his computer.


Additional Information


The Kitchen has an external door that is fitted with a contact switch (open = on).


The Lounge has an infra red receiver and emitter which sends an invisible beam across the window; if anyone should open or break the window it switches on.


The Bedroom has a pressure sensitive mat underneath the window. If anyone steps on the mat then the pressure will cause a switch to go on.

House Layout



Mrs Smith wants you to design a program that uses the existing sensors and her computer to protect her house against burglars.


She would like the program to use a light sensor to determine if it is night or day.


If a break in occurs at night it should turn on all the house lights and sound an alarm.


If it is daytime (when she is at work) she wants the computer to dial the Police Station and tell them she is being burgled. She hopes that this will allow the police to arrive quietly and arrest the scoundrels! You will need to use the Say command to tell the Police the address!


Test your Program onscreen first and then by using the Interface Box. Show your teacher.


Submit both your Burglar Alarm Program and a Word file with the code you used in your Program.