What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment. You will be using the Education Edition which is provided by Microsoft. You will be a character in a number of different Virtual Worlds. You will be able to move around your world, meet other characters, explore and build things. When a character is placed in a World this is known as being Spawned. The place you start at is called the Spawning Position.

You will create tools and other useful artifacts by Mining natural resources like trees and Crafting them using Recipes into useful objects like torches, beds and axes. You can keep your materials and objects in an Inventory and take them out as you need them.

In your Minecraft World you can design and build dwellings (houses) where you can live and be safe. You can plant crops, look after animals, take 'selfies' of your character and work with other people to build communities. You can also use command line coding to do things such as change the weather, teleport to another location, give objects to other characters and many other things.

Minecraft has two modes: Survival and Creative.

In Survival mode you need to eat to keep up your health and you can get injured by falling or being attacked by animals and monsters.

In Creative mode you have more resources available to you and you are encouraged to build and problem solve. You will experience both modes.

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