Task 1 - Tutorial World

You are going to work through Tutorial World. This will teach you how to use Minecraft. The following images show you how to get started.

The list at the end of this page tells you all the things that you need to accomplish.

Part of your assessment will be based on how well you complete this list.

1) Open Minecraft and click the Create New button

2) Click the Minecraft Tutorial

3) Make sure you are in Survival Mode with Difficulty level Peaceful.

Switch on Cheats and Classroom Settings and then Click CREATE.

4) You should now be at the starting point. You need to follow the onscreen instructions to that will teach yu how to use Minecraft and will lead you through to a type of town square where you will need to do the things listed below.

What you need to do

1) Read all Posters and Blackboards for instructions

2) Interact with NPC's (Non Player Characters) to find out more information (usually by Right Mouse Click)

3) Learn to Mine Materials

4) Learn how to Craft objects

5) Make a Bed in the provided dwelling and switch the Light on

6) Add a Camera and a Portfolio to your Inventory

7) Learn how to take 'selfie' photos and label them in a Portfolio

8) Create your own dwelling at position 17 80 29 (where the X is - see image below)

What you must submit

A PDF file that includes copies of all the images you exported from your Portfolio. They should show labelled images of your Character at the locations shown below. You are advised to create your document using Publisher and then save it as a PDF. Try to fit 4 images per page so they are easy to view.

Your PDF must also include photos / screen captures of the dwelling you have created. Show indoor and outdoor views and add comments to explain the feaures you have created.

An Exported copy of your Tutorial World named surname_firstname_Tutorial_World

NOTE: To see how to Export Worlds see the Getting Started page and to see how to Export Portfolios see the Resources page