Coding in Minecraft

When you install a piece of software called Code Connection you can connect Minecraft to Microsoft's MakeCode tools. MakeCode comes with an Agent. An Agent is like a 'helper' that can be programmed to do jobs for you. This can make life a lot easier for you and allows you to 'run' the code you create by typing simple commands into a 'Chat' window. The following instructions will show you how to set up your coding environment. The Extension page contains some Coding Challenges that you will need to complete if you want to get an A+ for this unit.

Setting up Code Connection

Install the Code Connection software. You should end up with a shortcut on your desktop


Create a new World

Name it Your Name Coding World and set it to Creative and Easy

Choose the following settings

Click Create

Press Esc on Minecraft to pause your Coding World and then launch Code Connection by double clicking on your desktop icon.

When Code Connection starts it will show you a window similar to this one. Click on the button to 'copy' the server address

Resume your Coding World and do the following:

Press T to open the Chat window

Paste the server address into the window

Click on the Enter button at the end

Once your World has connected to the coding environment you will see the next window.

Choose MakeCode by clicking on it

The Code Connection Home Screen will now show.


This dasboard allows you to:

1) Open a new coding project

2) Open one you have previously worked on

3) Start a MakeCode Tutorial.


You can always return to this screen by clicking on the Home Button at the top of the page

The image to the right shows you what the MakeCode programming environment looks like.


The buttons down the left provide you with commands you can drag onto the workspace.


This type of coding is sometimes refered to as Blockly code. It is also used in Scratch and Tynker


All the work you do will automatically be saved to the Code Connection Cloud using your microsoft login details.


The green Save button at the bottom allows you to save your code to your computer as an .mkcd file that can be reused in other worlds.