Maze Game


You are going to create your own Maze Game. Think of a theme that will be interesting. The example below is for a Dog finding its way home.

You will need to either draw your own Maze or do a Google search for an image of a "scratch maze" and download it

Make sure your walls look neat and are thick enough. The code you need to control your player is shown below.


You will need to:

1) Open a new Scratch project and save it as Surname_Firstname_Maze

2) Watch the YouTube Videos below. They use a slightly earlier version of Scratch, but the code works the same.

3) Use the checklist at the bottom of this page to make sure you have completed everything.

YouTube Link

Part 1 - Overview of how Maze Game works

2 mins


Part 2 - Drawing your Maze

2 mins


Part 3 - Coding your Maze

6 mins


Code for moving your player and creating a timer:



Maze Game Checklist - Have you:

  • Saved as Surname_Firstname_Maze ?
  • Used an appropriate Theme ?
  • Got your Sprite to move in the correct directions using the arrow keys ?
  • Got your Costume to change when the Sprite changes direction ?
  • Got your Sprite to “bump off” walls by recognising colour ?
  • Made the Timer (seconds) to start automatically when the game starts ?
  • Got the Sprite to make an appropriate sound when it hits the wall ?
  • Got your game (including timer) to end when your sprite reaches the exit ?
  • Checked that your Game is fully functional ?
  • Added any EXTRA code to improve your game?