Virtual Pet


You are to create a Virtual Pet. See the example below.



1) Open a new Scratch project and save it as Surname_Firstname_Virtual_Pet.


2) Use this guide to help you design your own Pet.


Virtual Pet Checklist

  • Have you saved as Surname_Firstname_Virtual_Pet?
  • Is your Pet Sprite an animal that has more than one costume?
  • Does your Background match the animal’s usual or natural environment?
  • Does your Pet make a sound/greeting when it is clicked?
  • Does your Pet switch costumes as it moves?
  • Does your Food sprite move in front of your Pet when it is clicked?
  • Is there an Eating sound when your Pet reaches the Food (Sound may be newly recorded or chosen from the library)?
  • Does your Pet return to its starting point at the end of each move?
  • Have you created Variables for Hungry, Thirsty, Sleepy and Bored?
  • Have you added any EXTRA code to improve your Pet?