Extension - Impact Game


You are to create an Impact Game.

A game is any activity that is fun, has rules, goals and challenges. An Impact Game is designed for the player's entertainment ANDto make a change in the world! (impact)




Impact Games can be simple or they can be challenging. They can focus on any important topic and they should be fun to play.

Check out the two examples below. While playing them, consider what you enjoy about them and what issue they are addressing.

Example 1: Ocean Fish

Ocean Fish is an Impact Game in which the big fish follows your mouse pointer and your goal is to eat as many little fish as possible.

However, if you eat the plastic that is littering the ocean the game will end. Play the game below or click to play Ocean Fish in a new window.


Example 2: Friendly Fish

Friendly Fish is an Impact Game in which the big fish is feeling upset and the little fish offer support by staying closeto it.

The big fish follows your mouse pointer and your goal is to stick close to your friend. Play the game above or click to play Friendly Fish in a new window.


Choosing a Topic


Before creating an impact game you must decide what Topic it will focus on.

Are you passionate about getting your school to offer better lunch options? Perhaps you are concerned about climate change. An impact game could draw awareness to these issues.

Consider a few topics that might be of interest to you and then decide on one.

Need help thinking of a topic. Try searching for “PSA Topics” (public service announcement) online.

After you have chosen a topic, start by setting your background and creating your sprites. Then you can do the coding!


Impact Game Checklist

  • Have you saved your game as Surname_Firsname_Impact_Game ?
  • Do you have Instructions on how to play the game that are displayed before the game starts ?
  • Does your game addresses a specific important issue ?
  • Do your Background, Sprites and Sounds follow a Theme ?
  • Does your game have a suitable ending ?