Design Thinking - Brainstorming & Mind Maps

This project will be assessed on the Folio that you submit. The folio will demonstrate the skills and understanding you have gained. You will need to add your work to it at various stages throughout the project.

Download the Folio (Publisher file) by clicking on the icon at the end and save it into your documents folder as Surname_FirstName_Clock_Folio

Share a link to it with your teacher (like you did with your Microbits Journal)


Decide who your User will be (the person you are designing the Clock for). Write their name in your Folio.


Find out as much as you can about your User. What do they like? Fill in the list in your Folio.



What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is the process that designers use to help define problems and create innovative solutions for them.

Designers try to…

• Clearly understand who the User is and what the Problem or Need is.

• Come up with new ideas to solve the problem (Designing)

• Develop their ideas by combining the best parts of their earlier designs. (Synthesis)

• Sometimes they make models of their best idea to test how well it works (Prototype)

• The design is then made (Manufactured)

• The design is then tested to see if it could be improved any further (Evaluation)

These steps are called the Design Process


You are going to design and make a Clock for a user or client of your choice. The clock will be analogue (not digital), and if there is time you will 'cut' your Clock out of MDF using the Carvey machine.

In small groups of about 2 or 3 Brainstorm ideas and create a Mind Map of the following.


Who are the possible users (who are you likely to give the clock to) and what would they like the clock to look like?


What would make a clock unsuccessful?


Pin up and discuss your results


Inser a scan of your Mind Map into your Folio and work out your Design Critria. (List of what the Clock MUST DO)

Mind Map Resource



Click on the Mind Map image to see a bigger version.

This one is about Global Warming but yours will be about Clocks.


You are going to create your own Mind Map using, which you need to download and install from the Microsoft Store.


Export an image of your finished MindMap


Insert your MindMap into the first page of your Publisher Folio


Complete the User and Design criteria sections on page 1