
Designing is sometimes referred to as Ideation and involves using Divergent Thinking skills.

Ideation is the process of generating ideas to solve a design problem. Two of the techniques for ideation that you will use are Divergent Thinking and Convergent Thinking.

We will examine convergent thinking in more detail later.

Divergent Thinking is the process of generating a wide variety of ideas without any concern about how illogical the ideas may be.

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For this activity you will sketch 6 clock design ideas. Don't be afraid of producing wild and wacky ideas at this stage.


Divide a sheet of A3 into 6.


Clearly write your first and last name on the front, top, left corner of the sheet


Number each sketch and add some annotations (comments) to your sketches explaining what certain parts are for and why you have decided to add certain features.


Outline your pencil sketches with Black Fine Line pen and add some splashes of colour to your designs to make them more interesting to look at.


Discuss your designs with a partner. What are the Strengths , Limitations and Interesting features of each design. (S.L.I)


Scan your designs and add them to the design ideas section of your folio. Your teacher will show you how to do this.