Formative Tasks - Tutorials & Mini Makes


Complete the following Tutorial Challenges to learn the basics of how to code your Micro:bit.

Use the Snipping Tool in Windows 10 to grab images of your solutions and paste them into your Journal.

Watch this Positioning images in Word video before starting to add images of your code to your Journal.

Extra marks can be obtained by adding modifications (mods) to your code.



Click on and complete each of the Tutorials that are available on on the Home screen.

> Flashing Heart

> Name Tag

> Smiley Buttons

> Dice

> Love Meter

> Micro Chat

Save to your documents folder on OneDrive, then download to your micro:bit to test your code.

Snip & Paste your solution into your Micro:bit Journal.

Try to add some mods to your code. Test, then snip and paste your modified solutions to your Journal, with explanations of how you modified it.

Mini Make 1: Servo Motor

In this make you will learn what a servo motor is, how to connect it to a microbit and how to code it in MakeCode. After watching the tutorial below, complete the questions in your journal.

Mini Make 2: External LED Light

In this make you will connect the micro:bit to an external LED (Light Emmitting Diode).

Using your crocodile clips, carefully connect:

A) the Ground (GND) pin to the shorter of the two legs of the LED

B) Data pin 0 (0) to the longer leg of the LED

It should look like the image to the right:

NOTE: Make sure that the two legs and connectors are not touching each other.

You have now created an electronic circuit that uses power from the micro:bit to turn on the LED. We can turn the LED On and Off by changing the state of pin 0.

Using your knowledge from completing the previous makes, turn the LED On when the A button is pressed and Off when the B button is pressed..


Paste your solutions into your journal.