Innovation Challenge

You are going to design and make a prototype solution to a problem that you have identified. It could be for yourself or for someone else (it depends who has the problem!)


You must identify a problem and solve it using your Micro:bit


It must use a variety of inputs/sensors and outputs.


The design and construction should be creative, using resources available to you.


You must document the Problem, your Design and the Solution in your journal.


When you have completed your Innovation Challenge make sure you:

Complete the Reflection Task in your journal.

Carefully look through your Journal to check that ypu have completed all the sections.


Step 1: Identifying the problem

What do you already know about the problems?

What specific problem would you like to focus on?

What else do you need to find out about the problem?


Step 2: Solutions to the problem

What solutions do you already know exist?

What other technological solutions could there be?

Brainstorm all the ideas you can think of.


Step 3: Create your solution

Work out which sensors, input and devices you need to use (Button A, Servo, LED etc)

Work out how to build your model (cardboard, string, blue tack etc)

Write the Code to run on your Micro:bit. Test and modify it untill it does what you want.


A suitable project could be a device that improves the environment in some way or something that improves somebody's well-being.

It is an opportunity to show what you have learned and to be creative, thinking outside of the box.

Some Ideas

Emotion Badge

Dice for a Game

Moisture sensor

Step Counter for exercising





Other Examples

Click on the image to see a larger version

Bubble Blower

Coin Eater

Dog Feeder


Football Game

Moisture Sensor

Pinball Game

Step Counter