Individual Task - Pass your Driving Test


Devise code to enable your Robot to pass her Driving Test. Your Robot will need to move around the course shown below.

To be successful your Robot will need to do the following:

1) Move at a SLOW Speed towards the Zebra Crossing

2) Stop before the Zebra Crossing to avoid knocking over the Person who is crossing (Ultrasonic Sensor)

3) Wait for 4 seconds to let the Person finish crossing.

4) Proceed at a MEDIUM Speed and make two left turns to follow the road around.

5) Move at a FAST Speed along the long stretch of road, and Stop at the end.

6) Reverse Park into the Garage, Stopping after the car crosses the Parking Line (Colour Sensor). Whilst Reversing the Car should be making a Noise so that any pedestrians know the car is reversing.


Your grade for this task will depend on the precision of the drive and meeting the criteria.

