Saving Programs and downloading them to the Brick

File/Save As allows you to Name and Save your programs (code)

Files are automatically saved into Documents/LEGO Education EV3

Creating more Programs

New Code Projects can be created by clicking the New Project + symbol on the Home Screen and then saving with your chosen name e.g. Stop at Distance. Your lastest projects will be shown on the Home Screen, just click on them to re=open them

Downloading your Project Folder onto the Lego Brick

When you want to Download your Programs onto the Brick in order to Run them, you need to either plug the USB Lead into the PC socket of the Brick and your Laptop or Connect using BlueTooth (you need to choose the correct Brick so you need to know what yours is named!)

Click on the Connect icon to connect to the Brick. Use the Blue Down Arrow icon at the bottom right of the screen to download your edited code onto your Robot.