Individual Task - Research Essay


Robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly affect the world that we live in. Every year computers get faster, phones become more powerful and there are more electronic devices available to us.



The Knowledge & Understanding grade for this unit will come from a Research Essay. You are expected to do the essay for homework. You will have approximately 6 weeks to complete this. The title of your essay is:

"Will Robots make life better for Humans by the Year 2050?"

Your essay:

Should be between 550 and 700 words.

Must be submitted using TurnItIn. (Your teacher will explain how you do this.)

MUST be in your own words.

MUST NOT include large chunks of copied and pasted information!

MUST be Referenced according to the college policy (refer to your Handbook).

Your Teacher will be using the Originality Check in Turnitin to check how much of the essay is original work.

Your teacher will provide you with the Turnitin submission date.

When you investigate Robots consider the following:

* provide evidence of the positive and negative affects of Robots in our world.

* include specific examples of Robots to support what you are saying.

* include up to four images to illustrate things you are discussing.

* make sure your essay answers the question!

Resources (find your own as well!)

3 mins

The videos below may help you think about the areas of Robotics you might want to include in your essay.

1 mins
3 mins
6 mins
2 mins